quote of however-long-I-feel-like:

Suppose we have only dreamed, or made up, all those things - trees and grass and sun and moon and stars.

Suppose we have.

Then all I can say is that, in any case, the made - up things seem a good deal more important than the real ones.

-Puddleglum, The Silver Chair

Sunday, March 28, 2010



I found that list of goals I made over the summer!

it's funny to see how my views change.

  1. read patriarchal blessing once a month
  2. buy books from the library
  3. finish season 4 of x-files
  4. review my hebrew vocabulary
  5. sort though clothes & get rid of old junk
  6. go to bed before 11 pm
  7. wake up before 8 am
  8. volunteer once a week
  9. attend the temple once a week
  10. finish my homework the day it's assigned
  11. apply to byu jerusalem center
  12. go to salt lake once a month
  13. study spanish an hour every day
  14. read el libro de mormon
  15. weekend bagel runs
  16. do all of my visiting teaching
  17. go to general conference
  18. help alexia
  19. ride my bike more
  20. go jogging
  21. keep up my blog
  22. travel once a year
  23. study five languages
  24. take kids to the library every weekend
  25. sunday picnics
  26. family home evening
  27. express love and gratitude daily
  28. have a family book club
  29. take daily pictures
  30. learn how to fix a car
  31. learn a musical instrument (i'd even settle for the harmonica)
  32. regular family temple trips
  33. talk things out
  34. hug
  35. adopt a child
  36. lockers
  37. family council 
  38. sundays are holy
  39. take art classes
  40. have a library
  41. index my books and keep a record of when i last read each book
  42. live in a foreign country for a year
  43. be a missionary
  44. meet all of the living apostles
  45. open a shop
  46. keep my tumbling skills
  47. go raw for a month
  48. cut off technology for a month
  49. swim great barrier reef
  50. create my own charity
  51. run a marathon
  52. raise kids to be bilingual
  53. build an igloo
  54. ride a camel
  55. see aurora borealis
  56. go skinny dipping
  57. get some henna
  58. own a motorcycle
  59. attend a temple dedication
  60. see nessie

1 shout outs:

Talana said...

Oh Yay!
Glad to hear you found it... now you just have to so them all!

I also love that you shouted my name at the top. Ha ha