quote of however-long-I-feel-like:

Suppose we have only dreamed, or made up, all those things - trees and grass and sun and moon and stars.

Suppose we have.

Then all I can say is that, in any case, the made - up things seem a good deal more important than the real ones.

-Puddleglum, The Silver Chair

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Okay, I am sick of it! 

Look at this crap:

Send a message to the Mormon Church, whose members raised more than $15 million to fund the deceitful advertising campaign for Proposition 8, the initiative that takes away the right to marry for same sex couples in California!

Make a donation, in the name of the president of the Mormon Church, to support the legal organizations working to invalidate Proposition 8 and to fund grass-roots activities in support of full marriage equality. For every donation of $5 or more, the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center will send the following postcard to President Thomas Monson’s office in Salt Lake City, acknowledging your donation in his name:

Dear President Monson:

A donation has been made in your name by _________________ to “invalidateprop8.org” to overturn California's Proposition 8 and restore fundamental civil rights to all citizens of California. The money will be donated to legal organizations fighting the case and to support grass-roots activities in support of full marriage equality. Although we decry the reprehensible role the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints leadership played in denying all Californians equal rights under the law, we are pleased a donation has been made on your behalf in the effort to overturn the discrimination your church members helped enshrine in the California Constitution. Given that throughout its history the Mormon Church has been subjected to bigotry, we hope you appreciate the donation in your name to fight religious bigotry here in California.

Let’s work to overturn Prop. 8 while sending a message to the Mormon Church that it’s wrong for any organization to exert political influence to deny the civil rights of any group!

AAgghhh!! There are attacks on the church all over the place. It's so annoying.


2 shout outs:

Lianna marie Croston said...

i cant's believe the things people are doing in order to ruin the image of our church! and they are trying to do it in the name of our prophet?! ugh! it's so wrong, but as the church, we have been through worse and will go through much worse. it may be upsetting to see stuff like this but we are stronger than that! we will not be broken.

Jen said...

AGREED! Enough already!