quote of however-long-I-feel-like:

Suppose we have only dreamed, or made up, all those things - trees and grass and sun and moon and stars.

Suppose we have.

Then all I can say is that, in any case, the made - up things seem a good deal more important than the real ones.

-Puddleglum, The Silver Chair

Saturday, March 7, 2009

*something in hebrew*

What a wonderful weekend!

Sort of caught up on my sleep.

Went on a fun date last night.

I'm currently in Salt Lake with Reyna an Nana.

We did 46 baptisms/confirmations in the Salt Lake Temple!

We saw the movie in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.

-HOLY COW!!! Amazing. I love the church so much!

Tomorrow we're going to Nana's stake conference after the Music and the Spoken Word.

I just had ice cream and red vines. -yum.

I custom ordered my hair clips. I can't wait. :D

Reyna let me wear her super cute dress! It was a dream come true.

0 shout outs: